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Brief Introductions To

Questing For Inspiration

Questing For Inspiration is my 3rd times the charm blog. Having tried a couple of other Ideas I've settled on one last hope. A blog about my writing and my constant search for great inspiration as I find my footing.


Introducing Me

 The past 10 years of my life I've been working Hospitality jobs. I've been writing as a hobby for over 5 years now in the little free time offered. Constantly journaling and attempting blogging (unsuccessfully). occasionally dabbling in fiction and poetry. Outside of writing I travel, play board and video games, and try to keep my activities as fresh as humanly possible.  which lead me to creating this blog. I've been finding inspiration more and more this past year. I wanted a place to organise my thoughts and share some of my work.

Introducing the blog

Questing for information is my way of sharing my work and exploring what inspires me. There will be bad poetry, excerpts of larger works, and posts where I write about anything that happens to cross my mind. A more in depth look at this is in my very first post.

Broad Introductions. 

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